Be Homies With The Gnhomies!

A gas free polygon collection on OpenSea! Click below to explore.

Gnhomie Gang

Gnhomies are composed of hand painted assets that are ran through a special magical Gnome machine that randomly combines Gnome body parts and heads to assemble a massive clone army of Gnhomies for the upcomming apocol... err... nft drop. But enough talk with the man behind the curtain.

Fire up your favorite index finger, and get to clicking. Click through the collection. Click on buy, click buy til your finger hurts, til your bones get all arthritis-y.

Fair minting price of only 0.02 ETH on the GAS FREE Polygon network via OpenSea!


Gnhomies are Animated.

Gnhomies were the first programmatically generated collection to add in animations as traits! Then everyone jumped on that bandwagon, posers!

The road to the super clean jawdropping animations you see before you now had a few bloopers along the way as evident if you turn to stage-right.


Gnhomies are Dope.

Those other guys, they don’t get it. Gnhomies, they geeet it dawg.

You ever been a few tabs deep into watching 6 legged joggers on the beach? Yea us too.



Roads. Where we’re going we don’t need no roads.